
This repository is a general purpose personal note taking mark-down webpage.

Project maintained by anonymoustafa Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Here I share whatever any software/web developer may find useful

A. What i learned about using git

How to host gh-pages on an orphan branch

git checkout --orphan orphan_name

How to delete a branch locally and remotely?

  1. remotely: git push -d <remote_name> <branch_name>
  2. locally: git branch -d <branch_name>

please be noted: you can delete a specific branch, if and only if you are on another branch!

B. Linux user useful tips and trics

  1. Installing Tor Browser:

    1.1. Remember: It’s supposed to be extracted on a local storage with a native linux filesystem!

    1.2. Use the following termial commands to extract and run the bundeled files:

    tar -xvf tor-browser-linux64-9.5_en-US.tar.xz
    cd tor-browser_en-US/
  2. Tor command in terminal tor -f tor.conf

  3. Tor filename tor.conf and tor.conf content:

SOCKSPort 9150

  1. Terminal Persian calendar command curl

  2. Updating NodeJS:

    • Visit this topic here✋ or do the following:
  sudo npm cache clean -f
  sudo npm install -g n
  sudo n stable
  1. Updating Git for Ubuntu or Debian based Linuxes
  sudo apt install git-all
  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:git-core/ppa -y
  sudo apt-get update
  sudo apt-get install git -y
  git --version
  1. Are you Iranian and want to chaeck Persian Calendar from terminal? Do the folloing: curl

  2. After installing dropbox you can run it whenever needed by running the following command in terminal:
    • ~/.dropbox-dist/dropboxd
  3. Gnome most comprehensive systemic parameters editor’s name is dconf editor.

Elementary OS tips and tricks

  1. Install Dimmer to lower brightness.
  2. The original Elementary OS terminal command: io.elementary.terminal
  1. very nice markdown cheat sheet reference

  2. free online pdf book to learn javascript

  3. tehran stock market trading farsi mql programming language manual

  4. install gnome builder lovely ide 😍

  5. make your own jekyll theem 👍

  6. a good reference to review features of the markdown language 📚

  7. machine learning app development using javascript 👾

  8. atom ide most powerful plug-ins list

  9. learn git in 30 minutes actually!!

  10. branching a repository

  11. pspp best reference

  12. emmet plugin is nice and sexy! here find a fabulus cheat sheet

  13. your wish is your command

  14. 9 languages to be learned

  15. VLC short-keys

D. Let’s learn rust-lang

  1. All rust-lang data types

  2. Want to do math using rust?

  3. Work with matrixes

  4. Rust array types

  5. Accepting Command Line Arguments

  6. Data types

  7. Rust Cookbook

  8. Rust web scrapping

E. Tools you’re gonna need as a developer

  1. Resplash app: Where you can find, download and upload high quality pictures.

  2. Font awesome

  3. Opensource Google’s projects

  4. GitHub robot teaches you how to use GitHub

  5. All git clients

  6. Git Book

F. Reading list

  1. Convert Angular project to Android APK in 10 steps

  2. Machine learning using JS

  3. how to lose an IT job in 10 minutes.

  4. GUI programming with Rust

  5. Setting up a Rust Development Environment

  6. Automating your Rust workflows with cargo-make - Part 4 of 5 - Workspace Support, Init/End Tasks and Makefiles

G. Ideas to be done for money


  2. یک فروشگاه آنلاین درست و حسابی در وب فارسی

H. To Be Learned

Here is a list of web and programming technologies I’m interested in and I hope someday I’ll be developing at: